BIMSTEC Economic Region Summit & Expo

BIMSTEC Economic Region Summit & Expo, website:

The Inaugural BIMSTEC Economic Region Summit & Expo by Dr. Madhab Paul & MiTA

(Note: MiTA is not in active business now; God Willing, we will reopen for business in the coming months. This website is being redesigned and redeveloped; please visit again.)

The Bay of Bengal Business Network & BIMSTEC: Now, the BIMSTEC member states are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

BIMSTEC came into being on 6 June 1997 through the Bangkok Declaration. ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand; the Leaders foresaw the real need of BIMSTEC within 30 years of founding ASEAN.

And what’s the best alternative for future equitable and sustainable peace-prosperity of the Bay of Bengal Region?

Next Important Economic Consideration that has been one of the KEY impediments for regional peace-prosperity and equitable economic development:

ASEAN Region & Profiteering via Singapore

Now is the time to understand & evaluate whether over the past decades ASEAN has been used to profiteer for the benefit of a select few, to the detriment of the most ASEAN Club members & others (that include India)?

A$EAN will face increasingly more challenges to be equitable for all members — potentially A$EAN being a relic soon

MiTA Global Economic Diplomacy (GED) Summit

The main topics of “MiTA Global Economic Diplomacy (GED) Summit” will be cover following main topics:

The Bay of Bengal Business Network & BIMSTEC

The BIMSTEC region hosts over 22% of the world population. Though BIMSTEC established on 6 June 1997 is over 25 years old, the Bay of Bengal Regional Organization (BIMSTEC) is not yet a household name. But, The BIMSTEC Economic Region will be the “future redevelopment” for better equitable regional peace-prosperity. And redevelopment means progress towards a new way of better future life.

BIMSTEC is Real — and it’s a fact based on distinct geography, cultural history, and shared common future for peace-prosperity.  Now, the BIMSTEC member states are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Welcome to: BIMSTEC Economic Region

Agree or disagree, BIMSTEC is Real — and it’s a fact based on distinct geography, cultural history, and shared common future for peace-prosperity.

BIMSTEC Economic Region will be the “future redevelopment” for better equitable regional peace-prosperity. And, redevelopment means progress towards a new way of better future life.


Upcoming Business Events:

Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD 

Dr. Madhab Paul loves writing his imaginations and well-researched ideas on critical topics lucidly, being complete and concise, so that everybody can understand quickly and easily. He is an engineer by education (PhD) & training, and entrepreneur by passion. He also studied law and management. 

Dr. Madhab believes in the words of world famous Nobel Laureate, Albert Einstein: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”

Since childhood, Dr. Madhab has keen interests in politics, technology, and social innovation. He had participated in active political campaigns in India while he was young.

As an engineer, more than being a theorist, Dr. Madhab’s approach has often been experiments using trial & error method, until reasonably accurate – the best – solutions can be found.

Dr. Madhab Paul, the Generalist: 

He was trained to become a Specialist — a specialist engineer with PhD degree — that trained him rigorously to think things through and think differently from various possible scenarios to ensure the stability in the face of uncertain environments. And also design Plan-B for any evacuation in the future, foreseeing possible extreme environment conditions. He has always been a little different, though getting along with the most people. And, that’s the Key to explore new ideas, as well as to imagine, experiment, and learn better ways of doing things.

The decades-long journey from being a ‘Specialist’ to a Generalist: He believes that continued learning — DIY self-learning or otherwise — is important in this fast changing world. Before starting own business, he also completed ‘Masters in Management’ and PG Diploma in Law (ADR) so that he himself can understand a wide range of topics. That’s the value of being a Generalist — the connector and the catalyst.

Public Speaking:

Dr. Madhab spoke on tech, trade, business and social issues at events organized in many cities around the world. As an invited speaker, he spoke at International Investment Conferences and private business seminars held in many countries, including: India, USA, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and UAE.


His books are on the topics of startup, strategy, business, branding, politics and economic diplomacy

Great Majestic India: rays of hope for global peace-prosperity

The book, “Great Majestic India: rays of hope for global peace-prosperity” is not about glorifying India. Being the world's largest democracy and the 5th largest global economy, what all India can do to accelerate global education, innovation, health, peace, and prosperity? 

Kindle e-book Great Majestic India: rays of hope for global peace-prosperity ; welcome to Buy Now

This book is part of the book series, "New Ideas at Work" in the new world order.

MiTA & Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD

Founder, Director & MD of MiTA, Dr. Madhab Paul was speaking at India INVESTRADE 2014 Conference in Yangon, Myanmar.

Progress and salvation: Jesus, Galileo and we - a flashback

From being an Employee to an Entrepreneur

It was 2009, July - August, Bangkok.

I was exploring what to do next after a few weeks vacation in Phuket. Then I met a few seniors, including a chance meeting with Professor Dipak C Jain [who was Dean of Kellogg Business School and is a world famous management & marketing guru] during “Indian Institute of Technology Alumni Association” get-together in Bangkok.

And that accelerated my journey from being an employee to an entrepreneur.

2009: My new world began. Work from anywhere — Digital Global.

Started doing what I always enjoyed: travelling, meeting new people, exploring new ideas, learning new subjects, and experimenting-doing new things. Got lots of opportunities from many countries, including: new platforms for teaching & training people, speaking at international forums & sharing new ideas, making things happen being a catalyst, executing new projects, etc.

The decades-long journey from being a ‘Specialist’ to a Generalist.

Contact Us:

To contact via email please signup for the newsletters: or


MiTA: Management, Innovation & Technology Applications

MiTA is re-opening for business, expanding and relocating businesses. And our CSR projects — primarily doing research, spreading awareness and connecting people via “international conferences, exhibitions & award ceremonies” — will be in the following major areas:

  • education, health, food & energy;

  • innovation & entrepreneurship, and

  • equitable development for peace-prosperity.

Management, Innovations, & Technology Applications: MiTA


"Innovation is the center pillar of MiTA : management, innovations, & technology applications. MiTA Excellence Since 2009." Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD

(A) Strategic Business Consulting, B-2-B Business Matching & Deals

  • education, innovation & entrepreneurship;

  • pharma, medical, beauty-cosmetics & healthcare;

  • agriculture, fisheries, food processing & food;

  • oil & gas, mining, renewable energy & environment; and

  • infrastructure, construction & project management;

(B) B-2-B Match Making, Tech & Brokerage Business Deals

Myanmar Medical ExhibitionInvestment & Strategic Business: ISBC


MiTA Myanmar @ ISBC: Myanmar Market Partner for Investment & Strategic Business in Myanmar.

  1. Strategic Business Consulting, B-2-B Business Matching & Deals
  2. B-2-B Match Making, Tech & Brokerage Business Deals

ExpoMiTA for Expo, Conference, FDI, Branding Events & Business Deals

MiTA & Dr. Madhab Paul have organized several International Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions since 2014. Dr. Madhab has been speaking at International Forums since 2005.

Upcoming International Business Events:


Advantage Myanmar Summit & Expo, website:

BIMSTEC Economic Region Summit & Expo, website:

Workshops on Strategy, Communication, Startups & Branding Worldwide, website: — create jobs and opportunities!!


Tricks, Knowledge & Wisdom: the essentials for landslide victory!!, book by: Dr Madhab Paul

Tricks, Knowledge & Wisdom: the essentials for landslide victory!!

The lessons from the legendary teachers & mentors, and the practical experiments with life.

Books by Dr. Madhab Paul, PhD

  1. Advantage Myanmar: Global Strategic Business
  2. BIMSTEC Economic Region: why is it a far better alternative?
  3. Cue from the Queen: Era for Equality: Unity in Diversity
  4. Great Majestic India, rays of hope for global peace-prosperity
  5. Kohinoor Diamond is with the Queen: who will own English tomorrow? Kohinoor & English Language: which is more precious?
  6. Little UK, Little USA, ...Little China: no, No, NO; it is Little India!!! BIG Questions: Why, and what should be done?
  7. Naming & Branding Worldwide: xyz for experts and learners
  8. Rays of Hope, the Hope to be Equal: Can the Rays of Hope Organization (ROHO) complement the Commonwealth?
  9. Start Business Now: why & how? A startup and strategy guide for entrepreneurs, working professionals, home workers, teachers & students
  10. Tricks, Knowledge & Wisdom: the essentials for landslide victory!!
  11. Virtual State & Political Enterprise: Can it do miracles? Big business ideas!!

Welcome to subscribe to his new newsletter to get connected via email:



Upcoming Business Events:


Advantage Myanmar Summit & Expo, website:

BIMSTEC Economic Region Summit & Expo, website:

Workshops on Strategy, Communication, Startups & Branding Worldwide, website: — create jobs and opportunities!!

Contact Us:

To contact via email please signup for the newsletters: or
(Note: MiTA is not in active business now; God Willing, we will reopen for business in the coming months. This website is being redesigned and redeveloped; please visit again.)